A great city must have a healthy and transparent budget. Like any family budget, we can’t keep running up the credit card bill and then avoiding the ‘how are we going to pay for this’ conversation.
It’s time to use a common sense strategy of drawing up a budget that stops the bleeding, prevents spending beyond our means and allows us to ‘grow into our balance sheet.’ This approach would allow our economic growth to generate the added revenue we’ll need to pay down our debt, rather than requiring tax increases that would burden taxpayers and stifle our economy.
As a city, we have to address challenges openly, honestly and immediately. And we refuse to saddle our children with obligations they didn’t create and can’t afford. No more of the ‘kick the can down the road’. As Mayor, I have dissected the budget line by line to determine any wasteful spending and put savings into upgrading departments, infrastructure and boost economic development.
As Mayor we have not only prevented taxes from increasing we have CUT property taxes for the citizens of La Vergne